Hi from Spain and 1 question... Reiner/Ritter straps??

  • First of all I'm sorry I don't speak german so I'll write in english. My english is not perfect though as I'm from Spain... but I'll try my best.

    Well, after this little intro I have one question and I think here is the only place you can help me...

    I've been searching for months a strap I saw on a forum... and It brought me here.

    This is the strap:

    And I've seen another pics in this forum:

    So thanks this forum now I know this strap is from Reiner / Ritter german strapmaker.... But I can't find a webpage or anything to contact him. I know there's a post in this forum about it but I can't understand what it's said there because it's all german.

    So can anyone help me with this and tell me how to contact Reiner or his webpage to order one strap like these ones on above pics?

    Thank you!!